
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Thank you....

Two of the most empowering and powerful words I believe are "Thank you".  I, like many, have had issues to resolve during my life.  Anger, angst, rebellion and frustration are some of the emotions  which have tormented me.  In the past few years, a common thread in the teachings I have read is the importance of gratitude.

As a younger woman I would sometimes be consumed by what I didn't have and the pressure to attain it.  Whether it was a higher tennis ranking, better grades, more money, etc. I was driven to madness believing if I just had more or did more, then I would be rewarded with happiness.  Well, when the student is ready the teacher will appear.  It isn't the money I might earn that brings me joy but creating my company,, that I love.  It's not the car that makes me smile, but the fact that it is safe in the event my family and I need protection.  It isn't the size of our home but the love that fills it to the roof that makes it magical.  My children's grades don't even concern me as much as whether or not they are trying their best.  In short, I am finding such joy from having what I have and not being anxious for what I don't possess.  This new way of thinking and living has brought me peace.

Just last night a friend asked me how I transitioned from a very aggressive, angry, competitive woman to one that spends time sitting on the porch writing blogs with a smile.  I think it's because of these two very important words.

My 8 year old son, Tyler, often says grace.  He always begins and ends with "thank you".  He has the presence of mind to thank God and the Universe for any guests who are joining us, our meal, the day, his parents, siblings, and anything else that crosses his mind.  It warms my heart that he understands the power of appreciation at such a young age.

When I sense negativity trying to work its way into my soul I have a new trick that I do to  readjust.  I close my eyes and start saying my "thank you's".  By the time I am done I feel realigned and I always find a smile on my face.  I don't ask for anything but I say "thank you" as though it has already manifest.  It is a very powerful way for me to visualize my dreams and goals.

Try it.  Close your eyes now and thank God and the Universe for all your blessings.  Then, if there are things you wish for, say your thank you's for them as well.  You cannot say thank you for something you can't visualize and you can't manifest something if you can't visualize it, so try it and let me know what happens.

I will close this with an example of one of my thank you's:

Thank you for my children.  Thank you for my friends, family and loved ones.  Thank you for our (because I am one of my loved ones) health, safety and protection.  Thank you for our light, our love and the peace in our hearts.  Thank you for our compassion.  Thank you for our ability to adapt to new circumstances.  Thank you for our gifts and talents.  Thank you for the beauty in the world.  Thank you for the ability to help others.  Thank you for each glorious day and the opportunity to go to sleep each night a little better somehow than when we woke up.  Thank you for joy.

When you come to the crossroad, may you choose happiness and fly...


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